Delivering the best for every child
At AutismSTEP, we deliver a holistic and personalised therapy program for every child with autism. Our internationally licensed therapists are well equipped to bring about lifelong improvements to value add to your families’ lives.
The word STEP in AutismSTEP means:
No child learns alike. We design special, tailored programmes to suit every learning style.
We help children transition into mainstream education and prepare them for society.
Above all, we strive to educate children holistically, promoting multiple facets of their development.
Our programmes are crafted to develop the full potential of every child with autism.
What We Stand By
01 Professionalism
Every AutismSTEP therapist is trained, certified, and experienced in working with children with special needs.
02 Achievement oriented
We understand every family wants to see improvements from therapy. We align ourselves with your therapy goals and are confident to show results in 3 months
03 Commmunicative
We’ll always let you know how your child is doing. Beyond that, we strive to hear from our families on how they’re coping and the issues they face
04 Emotionally-Involved
We want to be more than just therapists – we strive to be family. We’re there for you and your child’s emotional journey too.